Jeff Box is a pianist, guitarist, singer, songwriter, and studio musician located in Atlanta, Georgia.

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“There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.”

Leonard Cohen



The follow-up album released in 2019 featuring “Redemption”, “Awaken”, and “Mercy”. The sessions were recorded live in studio with the ACC band and produced by Brandon Swafford.

In This Place

Full length album from 2015 featuring “Heaven” and “Living Water” with various musicians from Atlanta and produced by Brandon Swafford.

Run and Hide EP

Acoustic demo from 2010 produced by Brad Cox and the first of the studio recordings. This album was used to launch a career in studio sessions.


When the pandemic hit, creativity kept sanity in place. He plays songs from various genres in this format feauring different instrumentation. They are published on YouTube, Insatagram, and Facebook.
